Fashion Era

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Hospital ward under investigation closed due to lack of staff

Hospital ward under investigation closed due to lack of staff

Allegations of patient abuse were made at Deeside Community hospital which has now closed Gladstone ward

Deeside Community Hospital

Health chiefs have been forced to close  a ward at a troubled Flintshire hospital  because of a lack of staff to run it  safely.
Gladstone Ward at Deeside Community Hospital, Aston, was already at  the centre of an investigation sparked by  allegations of patient abuse when it  closed on Friday.
A combination of the investigation,  staff off work sick and retirements from  service have been blamed for the chaos.
Local councillors branded the situation “disgusting” and accused health  bosses of letting patients down.
George Hardcastle, county councillor  for Aston, said:  “It’s disgusting – absolutely disgusting.  This hospital is supposed to be serving the community but  it’s letting the community down. 
“We have elderly and vulnerable people  who have been pencilled in to have  treatment there and now what are they  supposed  to do?  
“These patients are already in need of  treatment and shouldn’t have to travel  any further than they need to.”
The investigation involves North  Wales Police, Healthcare Inspectorate  Wales, Flintshire County Council and  Betsi Cadwaladr Health Board (BCHB)  was launched in August.
The hospital has two wards – both are  under investigation. No members of staff  have been suspended from duty while  the investigation is carried out: instead  those members of staff in question have  been given other duties to perform.
BCHB said concerns had been raised  around “issues of care, dignity and respect of patients”. “The investigation into  the concerns previously raised is now  nearing completion.”
Health bosses said the investigation  and pressure on staff numbers had left  them struggling to run the ward safely.
BCHB spokesman  spokesman said:   “This has been caused by a combination  of retirements, long-term sickness and a  number of staff being on restricted duties while an investigation into standards  of care is completed.
“Twelve beds had to be taken out of use  over the Christmas period as it was not  possible to ensure safe staffing numbers  on every shift, even by trying to obtain  bank and agency staff.
“Although every effort is being made  to recruit extra staff, the pressures on  staffing are continuing at present.  This is  at a time when the emergency demand  on the health service means the hospital  is looking after frail patients with complex needs.
“On Friday we decided to concentrate  all the available staff to work on one ward  to make sure all shifts can be safely  covered.  This has meant the number of  available beds in the hospital has temporarily been reduced to 24.”
While the ward is closed hospital  bosses have grabbed the chance to carry  out planned maintenance work.
The spokesman said: “While the Gladstone ward is closed, the opportunity  is being taken to renew the flooring and  carry out other refurbishment work that  was due.   This work could not be carried  out while the area is in use so would have required the ward to be closed for a period anyway.”
It remains unclear when Gladstone  will have enough staff on rota to start  functioning again or where patients will  be treated in the meantime. 
The spokesman added: “The ward will  reopen as soon as we have sufficient staff  to ensure that all shifts can be covered  safely across both wards.”
Interviews for vacant positions left by  those retiring are due to be carried out next week.
Health unions said they were aware of  the problems the hospital was battling. Donna Hutton, regional  organiser for North Wales health branch  of Unison, said the union was keeping an  eye on developments on Gladstone Ward.


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