The Most Awesomest Toilets
The Aquarium
Nothing like a troubling of goldfish to put you at ease. Although it is somewhat ominous that a group of goldfish is called a "troubling".
The Ikea
In case you enjoy doing your business into Swedish coffee tables, here ya go.
The I Can’t Aim Properly
Just like the balloon game at the carnival
The Diddy
Bad Boys for Life Dawg.
The Game of Thrones
When your John has a candle holder..
The Time Capsule
So it disappears in the day, and emerges at night for drunk people. How long until some poor drunk gets trapped in that thing?
The Ice Box
It is the way of the Eskimo.
The Entrapment
This baby will scan the room with lasers, and automatically lift the cover for you. Now your wife will finally leave you the hell alone.
The Eternal Flame
For the environmentally conscious, and those that don’t mind the smell of burning feces in their home.
The Nagano
When the adrenaline kicks in, you’ll be ready to go.
The King Tut
Provides adequate space for your servants to kneel at your feet.
The Reverse Voyeur
You can see out, they can’t see in. Just know those rules have applied to the thousands of homeless people that used the thing before you.
The Swiss Army Knife
For when you don’t have a sink, or a towel rack, or a medicine cabinet. Of course if you don’t have those things, you probably can’t afford the $6,000 price tag.
The Raver
Because the rave doesn't have to stop in the bathroom!
The Fine China
Dinner at Grandma’s will never seem the same.
The Insecurity Blanket
Damn right you’re impressed.
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