Deeside fire station: Big plans put forward for transformation
Deeside Fire Station looks to undergo a major transformation after plans to remodel the existing building were submitted to planning bosses.
The application, which was put to Flintshire County Council earlier this week, proposes to extend and improve current facilities at the station to bring them up to standard.
A design and access statement says that the extension will provide an additional 75.61m² of space to increase the size of the existing appliance bay ‘to comply with current standards and the demand of the station itself’.
The existing building will also be upgraded to offer a larger and more modern administrative and operational area which is hoped will help improve response times and staff the welfare.
The former ambulance service section of the station will also to be remodelled to provide an area for staff training, together with facilities for use by partner agencies and the wider community.
The statement also explains how the station will look once work is complete.
It says: “The materials and colours chosen for the building reflect a modern, `high-tech’ building, to offer a break in the current simplistic surrounding brick buildings.”
Plans also state that the existing bin store will be retained and a new covered bike store will be created.
Paul Claydon, assistant chief fire officer with responsibility for North Wales Fire and Rescue Service’s estate, is looking forward to the improvements.
He said: “The work will involve remodelling and extending within the current site, with the introduction of a new training facility and a community area for use by members of the public.
“We are looking to create an up to date facility which will help North Wales Fire and Rescue Service continue to serve and meet the needs of the local community now and over the coming decades.”
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