Fashion Era

Monday, 24 February 2014

Deeside firm to help supersonic jet car smash world land speed record

Deeside firm to help supersonic jet car smash world land speed record

Bloodhound SSC car aims to travel more than 1,000mph

uper-sonic Bloodhound SSC Image courtesy of Curventa and Siemens
A SUPERSONIC jet car  that aims to smash the  world land speed record by  travelling 1,000mph is  being backed by a Deeside  aviation firm.
Bloodhound SSC – a car  with both a rocket and jet  engine – has been designed  to shatter the current land  speed record of 763mph  when it arrives in  Hakskeen Pan, South  Africa, in 2015.
Deeside based PPA  Group, a leading  manufacturer of  composites and aviation  components, is part of the  project team – responsible  for designing and  manufacturing the canopy  and porthole side windows  for the car.
The Bloodhound SSC  project team, led by  Richard Noble, who held  the land speed record  between 1983 and 1997,  chose to work with PPA by  recommendation.
Conor La Grue,  Engineering and Product  Sponsorship Lead, said:  “We were immediately  sure the PPA Group was  the right company to  produce the high speed  transparencies for the  Bloodhound SSC.
"We  require the hardest  working screen for the  necessary speed at which  the car will be travelling,  and we feel in safe hands  with PPA.”
The canopy and side  windows are being crafted  using specialist  aviation-grade acrylic. It is  moulded and heated to  form the exact dimensions  and structure required,  and will be tested to  withstand heat build-up  and air pressure.
“The entire PPA team  certainly has a can-do  attitude and a passion to  deliver a great final  product. That comes  across in everything they  say and do,” said Conor La  Grue.
The car
Bloodhound SSC is exactly what it says - a SuperSonic Car.
It is supersonic because it is designed to go faster than the speed of sound.
It is a car because it has four wheels and is under full control of its driver.
Bloodhound SSC is a jet and rocket powered car designed to go at 1,000 mph (just over 1,600 kph). It has a slender body of approximately 14m length with two front wheels within the body and two rear wheels mounted externally within wheel fairings. It weighs over 7 tonnes and the engines produce more than 135,000 horsepower - more than 6 times the power of all the Formula 1 cars on a starting grid put together!
The Car is a mix of car and aircraft technology, with the front half being a carbon fibre monocoque like a racing car and the back half being a metallic framework and panels like an aircraft.
Land speed record
The current holder of the Outright World Land Speed Record is ThrustSSC, a twin turbofan jet-powered car which achieved 763.035 mph - 1227.985 km/h - over one mile in October 1997. This was the first supersonic record as it broke the sound barrier at Mach 1.016.


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